Report on certificate distribution to doctors for selfless service at dental and general health camp at Gangajamuna-2, Tawal Dhading.
Certificate distribution to doctors for dental and general health camp at Gangajamuna-2, Tawal Dhading was conducted at Kantipur on Baishakh24th.Certificate was handed over by Mr.Bijaya Rajbhandari representing NAFA(Nepal Australian Friendship Association)
Kantipur dental college, teaching hospital and research center organized dental and general health camp at Gangajamuna-2, Tawal Dhading on Chaitra 18th –chaitra 22 which was supported by NAFA(Nepal Australian Friendship Association) and Hilly Region Development committee(HRDC)
Gangajamuna 2, Tawal being located 5hrs drive uphill Dhading besi. Team of dental doctors and general practitioner was sent by Kantipur. Despite of hard access of roadway Kantipur team provided very good service to the people of Tawal. Dr. Shradha led the dental team, while Dr. Binita Mandal looked after general checkup.
Dr.bidhiya shrestha and Dr.Astha Thapa walked 2hrs to next village “LADAP” for general screening and depending on their treatment needs patient visited checkup site the next day.
Total of 226 pt received dental treatment like filling and extraction and 96 patients had general checkup. Needful medication was provided during checkup. Despite of hectic treatment schedule Kantipur team gave powerpoint presentation in Nepali regarding basic health education late night.
Toothbrush and paste were distributed to students which were sponsored by Colgate.