Kantipur dental college conducted free dental camp at Manamaiju,on Saturday chaitra3rd.
On Chaitra3rd, Saturday, Kantipur Dental College and Hospital, Basundhara in association with Nabin Nagar UpabhoktaTathaToleBikasSamiti, Manamaiju conducted one day free community dental camp. Dr. Sristi Shah led the team of 15from kantipur dental college and hospital.
The team carried out comprehensive dental checkup and simple extraction.Total of 150 community people were facilitated with dental checkup. Knowledge about tooth brushing technique were also given.
Community people got ample opportunity to interact with dental team and cleared out there queries about oral disease. Tooth decay along with gingivitis were found to be major finding in adults whereas exfoliative mobility and decay in children.The people who could not get curative treatment were reffered to hospital.
On completion of dental checkup people were given patient card, a report summary of diagnosed problem and recommended dental treatment plan.
The president of Nabin Nagar UpabhoktaTathatolebikassamiti thanked the kantipur dental team for their community service.